2021 CMAQ Modeling Platform on CMAS Open Data Warehouse

This dataset is available as part of the AWS Open Data Program, therefore egress fees are not charged to either the host or the person downloading the data.
Metadata for this dataset is available on the CMAS Dataverse Entry for the 2021 Platform

2021 CMAQ Modeling Platform

The emissions, meteorological and misc inputs and example run script for CMAQ are available for the 2021 Modeling Platform.

Instructions for downloading the aws command line.

Instructions to Download AWS Command Line
Once you have it installed, you can use it without credentials.
Example commands:

To query how much data is in the full bucket:

aws s3 ls --no-sign-request --summarize --region=us-east-1 --human-readable --region=us-east-1 --recursive s3://2021platform
Tail of Output:
2024-09-05 13:43:29    0 Bytes 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.5 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202012.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.5 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202101.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.2 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202102.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.5 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202103.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.4 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202104.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.5 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202105.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.4 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202106.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.5 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202107.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.5 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202107.txt.old
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.5 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202108.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.4 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202109.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.5 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202110.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.4 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202111.txt
2024-09-05 13:43:29    2.5 KiB 2021platform/12US1/smk_dates/smk_merge_dates_202112.txt
2025-02-07 15:32:01   22.5 KiB 2021platform/list_of_links.txt
2024-06-12 09:59:57   30.9 KiB index.html
2024-06-12 10:09:10    3.4 KiB readme.html

Total Objects: 16323
   Total Size: 11.8 TiB

To find the size and list the files available in the MCIP directory for 2021, use the following command:

 aws s3 ls --no-sign-request --summarize --region=us-east-1 --human-readable --region=us-east-1 --recursive s3://2021platform/2021platform/12US1/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL
Tail of output:
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211219
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211220
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211221
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211222
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211223
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211224
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211225
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211226
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211227
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211228
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211229
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211230
2024-06-08 14:10:07  818 Bytes 2021platform/mcip/WRFv4.1.1_12US1_2021_35aL/v5.3.3/namelist.12US1.211231

Total Objects: 4135
   Total Size: 4.7 TiB

To copy or download all of this data, if you have 11.8 TiB of local disk space, use the following command:

aws s3 --no-sign-request --region=us-east-1 cp --recursive s3://2021platform /your/local/directory/
A script is being developed for downloading 2 days of input data to run a benchmark using this case. That script can be modified to obtain files required to model for a user specified time period.

Please submit any questions or difficulties as a new issue on the CMAS User Forum.

CMAS User Forum